Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Bye Bye Barn Red

We painted my Mom's house this last week-end. This is the house I grew up in. We moved in when I was 4 years old (I'm 47 now).

The house has been the same color for over 40 years. It was yellow with "barn red" trim. Although it had been painted several times through the years my Dad always went with the same colors.

My Dad loved barn red! He painted a lot of things barn red but that is another story for another post some day. We all loved my Dad so dearly and it wasn't that we didn't like the color of the house but it was time for a change.

The roof has been green for along time. We decided to paint the house white with green trim. This first picture is when I first arrived. Clint and Christen had already been hard at work and got a great deal of the white done. You can see a little of the dingy old yellow at the side of the house.

There's my Mom coming out to greet me. She was the boss of the project and I might add, she was good at it! ; - )

Hemi saying hi to Grandma

See the barn red flower box.

And the front porch, barn red trim.

Bye bye barn red


Christen and Rance

Me and Rance painting the front porch trim.

This next picture is kinda embarrassing! These were the Christmas lights that were on my front porch all year long for many, many years!
Yeah, that's right. I'm a redneck woman!
Have you heard the song "Redneck Woman" by Gretchin Wilson? That's me! Rather I like it or not! That's me! Here is the chorus...
Cause I'm a redneck woman And I ain't no high class broad I'm just a product of my raisin' And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw" And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song So here's to all my sisters out there keepin' it country Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me Hell Yeah Hell Yeah
And just in case your wonderin',,, we aren't going to put them back up!!!! Sorry Dad! Love ya!

Finished front porch! So pretty!!!

Hemi, Lena and Rance played a lot while we painted. Here are some highlights! Note Lena with that old soccer ball. She played with it all week-end!

Clint worked so hard! We could have never done it without him!

Rance did a lot of this! Don't get me wrong, he helped a lot too!


Vegas Linda Lou said...

Ha! The year-round Christmas lights--hysterical!

(And my word verification is "redin")

Sassy said...

How wonderful for your mom...she must've felt like it was a brand new had to be exciting for her....and speaking of your lights...CHRISTMAS is how it probably felt for guys did a great job!