Country girl in the City. Happily single (I wouldn't mind changing that but only if I can remain happily)! Passionate. Love my family. Have great friends! My best friend is my Australian Shepherd, Hemi. New Grandma. Young at heart. Diet Dr. Pepper lover.
The name of our blog is "My Dad's Moon" because of the story below. We (Carolyn & Hemi) will be publishing stuff about us and our family and friends,,, for our family and friends,,, or anyone who stops by to visit us.
Stealing the Moon
Stealing the Moon
My Moon
My Dad and I used to play a game we called, My Moon. The first person to see the moon would call it by saying "my moon". If you called it you won it. That moon was yours for that night. Other people could play too but there were rules. Someone else had to be a witness (and be available to testify), that you called it first. If my Dad or I had already called it, you couldn't have it! Sometimes we would argue over who it actually belonged to, (who called it first)... We played the game all my life. My Dad is gone now but I still call the moon when I see it. I figure he has already seen it first and called it first but that's ok. My son plays too. Sometimes he will call me or text page me and say "my moon". It's a way we remember how very much we love and miss my Dad.
“There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” -Washington Irving
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