Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Playin' With the Rednecks! April 18th 2009

I have been a NASCAR fan since 1988. When I went to my first race at Phoenix International Raceway (PIR), in November of 1989 we sat in wooden benches on turn 4. It was rather small back then. NASCAR has grown so much in the last 10 years, it’s crazy!

PIR used to just have one race a year, in November but they added the April race so now they have two. The April race was added about five years ago and I have attended every one of them. It is a night race, which I love.

This year I had decided I wasn’t going to go but my dear friend Peggy and her husband Jack from Virginia got tickets and came out for the race so of course I went. It was so much fun, as always. I don’t know why I had decided not to go. IT’S A BLAST TO GO PLAY WITH THE REDNECKS!!! Here are a few highlights…

Oh Mark Martin won. YEA Mark. I wish it would have been Dale Jr. but at least it wasn't 48 or one of the Busch boys! ; - )

My dear friend Peggy and her husband Jack. Peggy and I have been friends for over 20 years. Our daughters introduced us when they were in the 5th grade.

Dale Jr's trailer.

Jack, Peggy, me and Melissa (Peggy's daughter) in our seats at turn 4! My favorite place to sit.

This kinda shows where our seats were. Turn 4, where the old wooden benches used to be!

The starting pole.

Michael Waltrip during driver introductions.

Dale Jr. during driver introductions.

The fly over. It always brings tears to my eyes!

Pit action! We sat right across from Michael Waltrip's pit. I love Mikie! Except I'm kinda dissapointed that he started driving a Toyota...


Julie D said...

Did you ever read my review of my first (and only) Nascar race?

Go here:

Sassy said...